Love Prosper When A Fault Is Forgiven

Several years ago, there was a mini-series about The Hatfield’s and McCoys.” They are the two families who for years were bitter with one another. On one occasion, a crowd has gail there’s to watch a Hatfield be hung. As they gather some child asks who the one is being hung and one of its Parents tell him. Then he asks, “What are they know for?” The parent says, “Killing one another.” What a sad legacy!

Yesterday my post was on the broken relationship of David and Absalom and how they lived in the same city for two years but never saw one another. This morning, this verse was in my daily Bible reading;

“Love prospers when a fault is forgiven,

but dwelling on it separates close friends” (Proverbs 17:9).

That verse is about as straight-forward as you can get. So, is there someone you need to forgive? Someone that you are bitter with? Hanging on to something like has a bad affect our hearts and lives. It can cause us to have a sour attitude. It can make us bitter.

If you are bitter with someone, with the help of the Holy Spirit, forgive them or ask forgiveness and move on. Like the verse says, “Love prospers when a find a fault is forgiven…”

10 The verse adds, “Dwelling on it separates close friends.”

Are you dwelling on a fault? If so, by God’s grace try to put it aside. Love will prosper when you do that.

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